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Friday, September 16, 2011

Read to Ponder

This blogpost focuses on small rules which are known to us but in hustle bustle of life, we end up ignoring. We sometimes lose out on taste because we have too much in our plate. Read to ponder.

It takes less time to do a work when you give it your undivided attention
You are sitting with book open in front of you, are you reading it? no, you want to go out and chat a bit with your friend. Why are you sitting? You have an obligation towards study/ you have a test tomorrow. In either case, if you don’t have much of an option, instead of thinking about other things while sitting quite on your date with the book, its better if you entertain those pages with your attention and get done with your readings. If you focus on the work in hand, its obvious the work will be done in less time.
For instance, I will be able to finish this blogpost in less time, if I don’t open other windows in between to check mails or think about my presentations scheduled for tomorrow.

You finish your assignment when you have a deadline in hand.
So, you asked your project teammates to research on one theme say “law is a jealous mistress”, then they did not revert back till the time you did not shoot 2-3 follow up mails asking them to reply within a certain time. They might have replied earlier if you had given them a specific deadline to finish the task in hand.
People always work better with deadlines. Take the example of law school projects, everyone conveniently ignores the projects till the deadlines do not come into the scene which forces people to take the slack up.
Always work with deadlines, if you don’t, either you will not ever do the task or procrastinate.

You set forth your action according to your goals
Whatever you are doing is generally guided by your aim. Your aim can be anything, when in law school, your aim can be to have all the fun you can, so your action can include watching all the series of Friends in your laptop or partying every weekend or may be all you want is a good job, so you prefer to study everyday and everything that is taught in class.
Have a vision on your mind, a higher goal that will motivate your action. You can start with the question that what you want to be after 5 years in law school.

And here are few one liners, paying heed to which can be beneficial for you;

You lead when you take responsibility

You succeed when you believe in your dreams

You are happy when you are living in the present situation and making the most of it, say enjoying it.

You are gloomy when you look for what is missing in your life

Life’s biggest pleasure is solely determined by your definition of it.

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