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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't let Unfinished Conversations ruin things for you

Are you ready to finish your conversations? photocredit: Castle Fashion

Sometimes people who liked you once grow distant. Sometimes people leave organizations that they once loved to work at for no comprehensible reason. 

Sometimes the person who was very sensitive to whatever you said starts to turn a deaf year. 

Sometimes the stranger who was always came up to you to start a conversation prefers stay away suddenly, although you have been friendly. 

 There may be very different reasons why these happen. Usually, all the reasons could be classified into one category of mistakes somewhere down the line - unfinished conversations. 

 Unfinished conversations don’t let you take a relationship forward, prevents you or others from giving conclusion to things you started together and sometimes despite our best efforts, we can not bring people around to have the positive relationship we once shared. People with whom you never had any hostile interaction, turns passively hostile to you for no real reason you can think of. 

In order to avoid hostility, or awkward conversations, sometimes out of anger or righteousness or pride, or just due to lack of courage - we do not say what we wanted to say, what we had on our mind. Conversations remain incomplete. Desires to communicate remain unfulfilled and abandoned. 

To avoid moments of awkwardness, to protect an ounce of pride, to avoid hostility, we start to avoid something we once adored, or felt inspired about. 

Do you have unfinished conversations in your life, at your workplace? Within your team? Make a list of unfinished conversations that you need to seek out and re-initiate. Take initiative and complete them today. You finish the conversations from your side. Hear out others too. If they don't want to speak up, tell them about the perils of unfinished conversations. If they care, they will reach out and complete the unfinished conversations. 

 Things can improve drastically if you take this simple step, and world seems to be a much happier place when you finish your conversations with the people you interact.

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