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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Least effort blogger syndrome: stay away from blogosphere!

You are a blogger. Great. But does it matter?

There are 42,000,000 blogs in wordpress in USA alone. In 2008, Technorati said that it was tracking over 112.8 million blogs, a number which obviously does not include all the 72.82 million Chinese blogs as counted by The China Internet Network Information Center .  Imagine what has happened in the years after that – no one seems to be even trying to count the number of blogs any more.

So why are you writing a blog, adding another page to the multiverse of internet junk?

If you are writing something, it better be worth reading for someone.

It can be personal stories, journals that someone else would want to read. Or something else that adds value somewhere.

Write something that has some informational value, a target readership. Write something that one can trust, or learn from. Maybe just create entertainment or some form of art!

I am tired of the aunty blogger syndrome – some stream of consciousness advice and insights on life without any basis, any research, and little value.

Since it is easy to start a blog, you can see a lot of “least effort blogging”. These bloggers are so lazy, that forget expectation of any original work of art, research or any appreciably well developed thought – you can not even expect them to do a Google search on the subject they are writing on to see what other bloggers are saying on the same thing. Their posts are unedited, full of errors, unsubstantiated fancy claims and personal opinions without insight.

This is a great loss – of millions of man-days, immeasurable goodwill to write and share and of course, context.

The noise is so much in the blogosphere due to least effort bloggers, that voices are becoming more difficult to discover.

If you are a least effort blogger, maybe keep your web journals private, so that those who wants to work hard at blogging and put some effort can be discovered more easily.

Or maybe just work a little more – and you’ll stand out.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree and plagiarism should not be entertained at all . Thank You


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