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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - Here's your permission to publicly ridicule me

Any new year resolutions? Tell me in the comments!

Should you make a resolution before the new year?

Many people do not, and would not.

For many people, it does not make any sense to make resolutions. What difference will another year make? 

How is it different from any other year? Why do you need a new year to decide something?

For others, the new year is an opportunity to start things afresh. It's a reminder that times are changing, that one more year of our limited time is just beginning. It is an occasion to introspect. It is time to make one more attempt at doing something good and difficult.

To some people, new year is a psychological boost. It is a reminder that they have much more to achieve and experience. These are the people who will make resolutions and struggle to achieve their goals.

People who make resolutions are optimistic that in the new year they will make a difference to their lives. I like those people - optimism is infectious. I want to share optimism with them. I have my resolutions too - I will work hard and consistently to make these a reality.

Share your resolutions, share your optimism, share your struggle to achieve your personal goals. It is inspiring for the rest of us.

In that spirit, I'll share my resolutions with you:
1. Wake up early to go for running/ walk/ work out every single day.
2. Meditate everyday
3. Write a lot about e-learning, legal education, accelerated learning and education in general

Right now these are merely resolutions, but I want to convert these into habits in the first couple of months itself. If we practice something regularly for 14 days, apparently it forms a habit - at which stage one has to try hard to deviate from the practice. A mere resolution is not strong enough -  we need good habits!

Do share your resolutions with me too - and help me to achieve mine J

If you want to earn my greatest respect and gratitude, please  ask me throughout the year if I am sticking to my resolutions. If you find that I am not sticking to my resolutions, please publicly ridicule me.  

Share your resolutions in the comments. I would love to make post soon about the resolutions of the readers of this blog! Your resolutions and success stories will inspire me too and make it easier for me achieve my goals.


  1. This is a great resolution... even I have made a resolution, of course, it matched the first one of yours above, to Wake up early to go for running/ walk/ work out every single day.

    Another one is to learn martial arts (taekwondo).

    The third one is that I have revived my classical music, so would be working harder to accentuate those skills for a proper rendition!

    That's all for now!

  2. I have resolved to be more restrained in my language and more sympathetic to the problems of my juniors and associates. I know its an uphill task. Yet man - even middle aged men - can only try.


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