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Friday, July 22, 2011

Why should you listen?

You must hear others. Efficiency or intelligence is not substitute of good listening skills. One of the biggest impact you have on people is simply by granting them a patient hearing. This is most important when you are in the service business or just trying to build a network. The time you spend in hearing people out directly goes into shaping their perception of you - and perception of how you treat them.

When you are dealing with your clients or providing some sort of service, ensure that you patiently listen to what your client is saying. If you are listening to your friends problem or trying to sort out some issue, ensure that you listen to it, ponder over it, before passing your judgment or giving your solution.

Now you will ask why am I repetitively saying that you should take a reasonable amount of time in hearing and thinking over a problem?

Take a simple example, when you go to the doctor to get your treatment and if he just after seeing you write the medicines on a piece of paper and dismiss your case by telling you that you will be fine then chances are high that you will get skeptical about the doctor. You might think that you are so ill and how did this doctor just give some medicines even without seeing you properly, taking less than two minutes!

The diagnosis of doctor might be right, however in almost all probabilities he will not be able to satisfy you, because he did not take out time to listen to your trouble.

We as human beings want time from our relationship, from our friends, family and everyone else we are dealing with. If the person you are talking to does not patiently listen to you, you lose your interest and drift away from that person gradually, even if they are doing their duty competently otherwise.

Everyone requires attention. Ensure that you give enough time and pay adequate attention to whoever you are dealing with. Though you may not need much time in solving a problem, dont fail to show that solving this problem is important to you and you shall give it due consideration. That is one of the key features of a good lawyer.

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