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Monday, July 4, 2011

How to differentiate hackers from snake oil merchants


If someone is suggesting that they know a way to give you something that you very badly want without any effort (or by writing a cheque), probably they are lying. 

Like the oil VLCC sells - it apparently burns your fat if you apply it when you go to sleep, or the promise that you shall lose 10 kg without exercise or diet control. You may have come across affiliate marketers who claim to sell software that will generate passive income for you on ‘auto-pilot’. There are others who send you mails claiming that you have won a lottery for which you never bought a ticket. Same for most of the Multi-Level Marketing schemes (usually fraudulent) like Speakasia or any other ponzy schemes.

Do you know someone who is in the business of making promises?
There is a thriving economy of this kind of businesses - who succeed by making unbelievable promises. People will at least try out such things, since that is what they fantasize about - snake oil that will change their lives. 

Scam after scams run, go bust and comes back with a new face. It works because people wants to believe there are simple solutions to their biggest problems - a benevolent omnipotent dictator called god, blessings of a godman, magic bullets, vibrators that burn your fat, put options which can triple your money or magic herbs that will cure insomnia. Great riches, great physique and health and other such rare attributes are worthy of chasing and earns appreciation because they are rare, because they are difficult to achieve. If someone tells you they will give you something immensely valuable to you if you give them a few thousand bucks, they are probably lying. There is only one exception, explaining which is the reason of writing this post.

Enters Hacking
If you read my posts regularly,  I am sure you know how upbeat I am about hacking. Hacking has the same promise - of enormous, disproportionate returns on very little investment. And hackers do exist - people who find simple world changing solutions to big problems. 

So how do you know which one is the real deal?Firstly, a hacker will never make unsubstantiated claims. He takes pride in the solution he found - so he will takes pains to make you understand exactly how his method works. Secondly, he would have applied what he wants to sell to you in his own life, and the effect will be visible. If he can not demonstrate or does not try to demonstrate how he benefited himself - he’s selling snake oil. remember that not a mere claim but demonstration that will stand a scientific test must be offered. Observation, analysis and explanation of the hacking phenomenon is necessary.

If you do not have the necessary talent or intelligence to understand and analyze to this extent, it is a better idea to skip the hacking market altogether. Usually a hard days work will get you more solutions than searching for elusive hacks.

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