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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Do you have the private genie yet? Do you use the internet enough?

Well, I am really not asking you how many hours you spend on internet doing the same mundane things we do everyday. Let me put this simply, are you an internet zombie? 90% of internet users are zombies, totally blind to the magic that is the World Wide Web.

When the zombies sit on a computer, their fingers proceed to open mailbox and Facebook. Their eyes read some status messages. Sometimes they even do a google search or two.

A smaller percentage of the zombies also click on advertisements and occassionally buy things off the internet.

Some people even use the internet for entertainment – watch videos on youtube.

In India, a large number of people use internet to download movies and songs.

Is this all that can be done with the Internet? I refuse to believe that if used in a better way, internet could not improve everyone's quality of life. The problem is, we are not actively trying to implement internet in our lives to improve things. We assume what we are doing is all that can be humanly done with the internet.

This is very similar to what we do with our bodies. Every man and woman is born with great genetic potentials. It is difficult to say how much of the genetic potential is realised with respect to our mind, but gene research shows that physically the average person does not even reach 50% of their genetic potential, and only super-atheletes perhaps do so through lifelong training. Instead, we pretty much live with the worst type of body we could live with.

In comparison to the training and hard work needed to reach our genetic potential, the planning and work needed to maximize the utility of resources in our life is far lesser. It seems to me that the good uses of internet is limited only by your imagination. Everytime I think of a problem, I wonder how internet can solve it for me. You can do the same, and internet could become your private genie over time.

Need a passive income? Nothing can beat internet on this front. Read Tim Ferriss and his betseller Four Hour Work Week.

Don't know where to find buyers for your services, products? Internet can do it for you. Or even better, use internet to find affiliates who can do your marketing for a cut of what you charge.

Need to find the right exercises? Use internet.

Need to know if the taxi driver is charging you the correct fee? Use internet.

Need to buy stuff that no shop in your locality keeps? Look at ebay. For gods sake, at mnay places now you can order your grocery over the internet!  It will be home delivered.

Use google search to find answer to any question you may have.

Check on your doctor – is he giving you the right advice?

Learn the law from iPleaders blogs, perhaps.

Buying books off Flipkart or Amazon is always cheaper than book stores, if you didn know.

Listen to almost any possible music on or
use google search to find answer to any question you may have.

How much of the internet have you used so far?


  1. 1.Even to know when the next bus reaches a bust stop in US (Hope we have this technology here, in India soon)

    2. To learn different languages (trying for French! )

    3. To download Ebooks, novels, comics and even "Book for dummies: Learn Origami"

    Internet is the new age God.

  2. Lot many people i know learn cooking via u tube :) In fact some times issues like opening laptop/mobile etc can also be learnt by Internet.

    It has further moved to virtual classrooms. We have online telephone directories, payment of bills on net so the possibilities are unlimited to explore


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